среда, 24. октобар 2018.

Doctors Reveal the Real Questions You Should Be Asking Them

The doctor will see you now

Cropped image of african american doctor searching something on a tabletTwenty minutes isn’t even enough time to catch an episode of The Big Bang Theory—yet for most Americans, that’s the amount of face time they’ll get with their doctors all year, according to a study published in the medical journal BMJ. Which is why it makes sense to prepare for those precious 20 minutes. Asking the right questions can be key to staying healthy in between checkups. Here’s what top docs say are the most important questions to pose. By the way, check out the 16 signs you need to fire your doctor right away.

The post Doctors Reveal the Real Questions You Should Be Asking Them appeared first on Reader's Digest.

from Reader's Digest http://bit.ly/2z1Wq01
Doctors Reveal the Real Questions You Should Be Asking Them Reader's Digest

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