четвртак, 12. октобар 2017.

9 Surprising Things You Don’t Realize Are Causing Dark Under Eye Circles

Sleeping on your side or belly

sleepWhile most people believe lack of sleep is the solitary reason behind dark circles under eyes, the way you sleep could be the true culprit. If your sleeping position tends to be lying on your side or your belly, your face will fold into the pillow and put strain around your eyes. Harold Lancer, MD, a celebrity dermatologist, notes, “Try to sleep on your back, which doesn’t just benefit your face, but also prevents wrinkles from potentially forming on your chest. You may also want to consider sleeping with an extra pillow when your eyes are extremely puffy, since elevating your head will get the fluid to move away from your lids.” Find out the best sleep positions for 11 common health problems.

from Health – Reader's Digest http://bit.ly/2ykzkD5
9 Surprising Things You Don’t Realize Are Causing Dark Under Eye Circles Health – Reader's Digest

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