понедељак, 10. јул 2017.

How to Treat Acne in Your Private Parts (Yes, It Happens)

acneAlthough we can employ an entire word bank of adjectives to describe acne, prejudiced is not one of them. Unfortunately, acne doesn’t discriminate on race, gender, age, or location. (Fun fact: the only places acne is not allowed to reap itself are the palms of your hands and the back of your feet). Otherwise, acne is a ruthlessly generous entity; regardless of the time on month, it will crop up like an unwanted surprise visit from your mother-in-law and ruin your day. And if you thought face acne and bacne were bad, think again.

Vagne can be particularly tricky for obvious reasons—and yes, it exists. When you first notice bumps down there, don’t immediately incite a full-fledged Google search on STDs. It’s important to note the difference between vulva acne, ingrown hairs, and infection. Vaginal acne occurs when pores get clogged with debris and bacteria on the outer vaginal layer. Nevertheless, it’s not particularly recommended to smear Proactiv all over a cluster of vagina pimples, and there aren’t exactly a blaring plethora of vagne products out there in the skincare realm. Moreover, asking your dermatologist to check out your lady bits can be a bit awkward.

Luckily, you don’t have to; we caught up with Kyrin Dunston, board-certified OBGYN and specialist in natural women’s health care, to find out what exactly causes those pimples in our privates, and more importantly, what we can do to banish them.

from Health – Reader's Digest http://bit.ly/2tBbSia
How to Treat Acne in Your Private Parts (Yes, It Happens) Health – Reader's Digest

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