субота, 4. март 2017.

These 5 easy DIY face masks are all you need for a healthy and glowing skin!

Who doesn't wish for a healthy and glowing skin? Everybody, including all of us want to do our best to ensure that our face looks young, glowing and is healthy. However since most of us are working day and night  and have little time to take care of ourselves, we often end up neglecting basic skincare. More often than not, women always complain of how they have no time to go to the parlor or how they cannot afford all those products shown on TV. What if we tell you that you do not need to do any of this? What if we tell you, that all you need is some time and no money to retain your glowing skin? Unbelievable? Well, pinch yourself and come back to reality. With some ingredients that can be found in your kitchen, you can make these face masks for a glowing skin. ALSO READ For a glowing skin,you should immediately stop these 5 habits tha t causes acne!

Just spare sometime form your hectic schedule because trust us it is worth every minute of your time. We have listed down the easiest 5 DIY face masks for you! Read and get on to doing this!

1. Honey face mask


The Honey face mask suits every skin type and since it is  natural product, there are no side effects either. Applying honey on the face will help lighten your skin tone and frees your skin of any traces of pores.  Apply honey on your face and leave it for a good 20 minutes.  Wash it off with lukewarm water and tap dry. You can also add egg yolk  and milk to honey for better results. ALSO READ How to get fair skin naturally: 13 natural home remedies and face packs to get flawless and fair skin

2. Aloe Vera Face mask


Aloe Vera has always been known to be one of the best remedies for skin or any skin issues. Applying aloe vera on your face will help lighten your skin tone, clears away blemishes, prevents wrinkles and it also works as a natural moisturizer. For a perfect home made mask, you will need aloe vera gel, cream of milk and a pinch of turmeric. Mix them all and form a paste. Apply this to your face evenly with your finger tips and leave on for 30 minutes. Wash with lukewarm and you will see a difference. Do this every for effective results. (ALSO READ How to get fuller lips: 5 ways home remedies, makeup & lip exercises will make your lips look voluminous).

3. Oatmeal Face mask


Now who doesn't know that oatmeal is the best natural scrub for face? But did you know you could also prepare a face mask with the same. This face mask is best suited for people with oily skin. Oatmeal clears of oil and keeps your skin smooth and supple. Now here is how you prepare the mask. Blend oatmeal till it becomes powder and then add hot water.  Mix this till a thick paste is formed.  Add honey, lemon juice(one tablespoon) and two spoons of curd. Apply this mixture and wait till the mask dries off. You will tight around your skin that is when you you ned to was it off with lukewarm water.

4. Turmeric and Sandalwood


There is nothing easier than this DIY face mask for a long lasting glow and shine. Pimples, blemishes, tan and acne- all these problems can be solved with just this simple to make face mask. All you need is turmeric and sandalwood.  Mix these both with rose water and apply it on your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water, just like you would do with any other face mask. (ALSO READ How to get pink lips naturally at home: 13 effective home remedies to get back your naturally soft and pink lips).

5. Egg face mask

egg and oil

One egg and two teaspoons of almond oil and your mask is ready. Egg will tighten your skin  and almond oil will keep your skin moisturized- all of this naturally with no side effects. Mix the egg and almond ail and apply all over your face. Keep it for 20 mins and then rinse. ALSO READ Home remedies to get rid of dead skin cells: 7 homemade scrubs to remove dead skin cells from face and body

All these face masks are easy to make, like you read and 30 minutes are all you need. Every face mask will give good results if you do it at least once a week and keep it for 20 to 30 minutes. Always use lukewarm water to wash your face pack. In two to three weeks time, you will get a healthy and glowing skin.

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