петак, 25. мај 2018.

10 Brilliant Tricks to Get Healthy, Pretty Feet for the Summer

When we were stuffing our feet into boots and socks all winter, going sans-pedicure was no biggie. (Who was looking, anyway?) We didn’t have to worry about strappy sandals giving us blisters, and since we definitely weren’t waking around barefoot with snow on the ground, calluses and splinters were the least of our worries.

But summertime means lots of outdoor activities and open-toed shoes. And let’s face it — neglected feet and unkempt toes are not a pretty sight. To help get your tootsies looking and feeling summer-ready, here are 10 easy ways to pamper your own feet:

1. You don’t need to blow tons of money on salon pedicures

It’s easy to get your feet summer-ready with a safe, at-home pedi. First, soak your feet in lukewarm water to soften your nails. Dig any dirt out from under your nails with an orange stick. Then clip your nails straight across before filing. Don’t cut into the corners of your nails, and don’t clip them too short — that can cause ingrown nails. And never, ever cut your cuticles! They help keep germs away from your skin and nails. When you’re ready for polish, don’t forget to use a base coat to prevent yellowing and a top coat after to help your pedi last longer. Try one of these 8 easy homemade foot scrubs to pamper your tired feet!

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from Health – Reader's Digest http://bit.ly/2se9fRc
10 Brilliant Tricks to Get Healthy, Pretty Feet for the Summer Health – Reader's Digest

понедељак, 14. мај 2018.

This Everyday Habit Gave Me Cancer—and Nearly Ruined My Face

beautiful woman face studio natural portrait with healthy skin When Janet, 42, suddenly noticed a bump on the side of her nose while looking in the mirror, she assumed it was a harmless pimple. Two days later, things got weird, the iHeartRadio host in Oklahoma City tells Reader’s Digest: “It just sort of self-exploded, and then it began bleeding excessively,” she recalls.

For the next three weeks, Janet watched as the spot on her face scabbed over and bled repeatedly. Finally, her husband convinced her to go to the doctor. “He’s a firefighter, so he’s seen everything. I really thought the doctor was going to laugh that I came in for a zit,” she explains. To her disbelief, her doctor referred her to a dermatologist. “My primary care doctor said he was willing to bet I had basal cell carcinoma. The dermatologist confirmed it with a biopsy. I was shocked,” she says. (For those who want to know after hearing this story, here’s how to check for skin cancer.)

A tanning bed aficionada since her teens and an avid runner who disregarded sunscreen, Janet was especially susceptible to skin cancer—which happens to be the most common type of cancer. “I begged my mom to sign permission slips for tanning beds when I was 16, and I tanned before every vacation. Looking back, I’m not surprised I got it,” she explains.

(Don’t fall for these 10 sunscreen myths that make dermatologists cringe.)

After undergoing a separate surgery to remove a dime-sized chunk of her nose, Janet’s next stop was a plastic surgeon to restore her appearance. Her options were limited: “A skin graft isn’t desirable on the face because the color never matches,” she says. “My doctor said I wouldn’t be satisfied with it, and recommended the flap surgery instead.” For this procedure, the surgeon would transfer skin from a discrete spot on her forehead to patch her nose and then—prepare yourself—route a vein from her forehead to supply the patch until the skin can survive on its own. And that vein is left hanging from the forehead and connected to the nose in a sort of loop in front of her face. Janet asked her surgeon what the recovery was like. “He said that I could return [to work] after a few days, but most people take three weeks off to heal because they don’t want to leave the house looking that way,” she recalls.

(Find out the 8 surprising facts everyone should know about skin cancer.)

Janet chose the flap surgery and immediately afterward understood why most people take the three weeks at home. “I cried almost every day, it was such a painful open wound—and emotionally it was just a very dark time,” she recalls. “I tried to go shopping at Target, and people would just stare—or worse—leave the aisle entirely,” she says. Tired of the curious stares from strangers, and even those of friends, Janet went “live” on Facebook to explain her new look. “After the video, I received so many notes from others undergoing the same treatment who felt comforted that they weren’t alone,” she recalls. It was exactly the push she needed to become more vocal about her diagnosis. “It’s heartbreaking to me to think that others going through this feel like they need to hide,” she explains.

After Janet had her final stitches and the vein removed, she says, “I remember leaving the doctor’s office and feeling like I made it.” Today, Janet is cancer-free and visits her dermatologist twice a year. She has partnered with the Miles Against Melanoma Foundation and has found educating others to be rewarding. Her words of encouragement to those facing a skin cancer diagnosis are simple, yet memorable: “You will feel the sunshine on your face again—just wear your sunscreen.”

Check out the two types of skin cancer that are skyrocketing, and find out if you’re at risk.

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from Health – Reader's Digest http://bit.ly/2IHuHbA
This Everyday Habit Gave Me Cancer—and Nearly Ruined My Face Health – Reader's Digest

петак, 11. мај 2018.

12 Healthy Habits You Should Always Do at Night

Use mouthwash

mouthwashBrushing your teeth and flossing are important steps in maintaining a cavity-free mouth, but that’s not all you should be doing for healthy teeth, according to Scott B. Eisen, DDS at Catonsville Dental Care. “While we sleep, we produce less saliva and our mouths become dry,” he warns. “Saliva is the body’s natural neutralizer of the cavity-causing acids that are byproducts of the food and bacteria we neglect around our teeth and gums.” So use a mouthwash. While not a replacement for brushing and flossing, mouthwash is a healthy defense against bacteria and plaque. “Using an antiseptic or fluoridated mouthwash at night can help maximize the benefits of the rinse, without them being quickly washed away by food and drink,” says Dr. Eisen. The type of mouthwash will depend on your specific needs. “Antiseptic rinses, like Listerine, reduce oral bacteria and plaque and help prevent gingivitis. Fluoride rinses, like ACT, can help remineralize enamel and reduce sensitivity in people who are at a higher risk for cavities,” says Dr. Eisen. These are the 7 things successful people do before bed.

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from Health – Reader's Digest http://bit.ly/2KVbUIn
12 Healthy Habits You Should Always Do at Night Health – Reader's Digest

DIY Bentonite Clay Hair Mask to Give Life to Your Dull Hair

“A bad hair day is just a bad day.” We all want to style our hair in the perfect manner, as hair is an important part of one’s appearance and sets the tone for one’s entire look. Your unique way of styling your hair also reflects your personality. To help you take care of your … Continue reading DIY Bentonite Clay Hair Mask to Give Life to Your Dull Hair

The post DIY Bentonite Clay Hair Mask to Give Life to Your Dull Hair appeared first on Top 10 Home Remedies.

from DIY Homemade – Top 10 Home Remedies http://bit.ly/2rywCWq

DIY Bentonite Clay Hair Mask to Give Life to Your Dull Hair

“A bad hair day is just a bad day.” We all want to style our hair in the perfect manner, as hair is an important part of one’s appearance and sets the tone for one’s entire look. Your unique way of styling your hair also reflects your personality. To help you take care of your … Continue reading DIY Bentonite Clay Hair Mask to Give Life to Your Dull Hair

The post DIY Bentonite Clay Hair Mask to Give Life to Your Dull Hair appeared first on Top 10 Home Remedies.

from DIY Homemade – Top 10 Home Remedies http://bit.ly/2rywCWq

четвртак, 10. мај 2018.

15 Bizarre Sleep Habits of Some of the Most Successful People

A novel idea

Charles Dickens English Writer 1812 - 1870Literary historians note that classic author Charles Dickens was a reported insomniac, even as he crafted his timeless stories. But they also allege that he was quite superstitious in the way that he did sleep, insisting he must face north while he rested (and wrote) as he felt this had an impact on his creativity. Try these little changes today to sleep better tonight.

The post 15 Bizarre Sleep Habits of Some of the Most Successful People appeared first on Reader's Digest.

from Health – Reader's Digest http://bit.ly/2IawH8M
15 Bizarre Sleep Habits of Some of the Most Successful People Health – Reader's Digest

четвртак, 3. мај 2018.

What the Acne on Every Part of Your Body Is Trying to Tell You

Causes of acne


Despite the overwhelming oasis of skin-care products out there, most of us can agree that blemishes can’t merely be wiped away with a wicked cleanser or killer spot treatment—no matter how convincing the commercial’s claim may be. Although most of us will simply attribute acne to clogged pores or hormonal imbalances without a second thought, blemishes in certain areas can actually indicate underlying health problems that will only clear up once the problem is resolved.

The alternative medicine practice of examining the location of acne on the face to diagnose health issues is known as face mapping, and it dates back thousands of years to the days of ancient Chinese medicine. Although the technicalities of the method have evolved over time, the core foundation remains the same: by studying where your breakouts lie, you can discover potential health issues inside your body, thus finding a way to nix both the internal and external situation.

We’ve teamed up with Dr. Roshini Raj, certified gastroenterologist and co-founder of TULA, to map out what popular acne zones could be trying to tell you about your health. Keep in mind that face mapping is definitely not an exact science, so don’t assume that having a pimple or two in one of these areas indicates a serious health issue. Still, if chronic acne frequently appears in the same area with no sign of budging, you might want to consider consulting your doctor to examine something beyond Proactiv.

“There are lots of causes to acne, and many people don’t realize that internal factorsfrom how much you sleep to the air you breathecan affect your complexion,” says Raj. “Great skin comes from taking care of both what you put on your skin and how you take care of your body.”

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from Health – Reader's Digest http://bit.ly/2hp7tYe
What the Acne on Every Part of Your Body Is Trying to Tell You Health – Reader's Digest

13 Ways Your Washing Your Face Wrong

You use the wrong water temperature

Man washing face with facial cleanser face wash soap in bathroom sink at home.

Water that’s too hot will dry your skin, while cold water won’t let your pores open, says Michele Green, MD, a New York-based cosmetic dermatologist. “Tepid water is the best water temperature,” she says. “Not too hot and not too cold.” Make sure you never, ever do these things to your skin.

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from Health – Reader's Digest http://bit.ly/2KxdVKg
13 Ways Your Washing Your Face Wrong Health – Reader's Digest